What is AppImage? And how to install and use it under ubuntu?

AppImage 是什么?以及如何在ubuntu下面安装与使用?

Linux Installation Instructions


layout: post title: AppImage 是什么?以及如何在ubuntu下面安装与使用? subtitle: Composing Methods

tags: [ linux]

Linux Installation Instructions


Download the AppImage

  1. chmod +x appName.AppImage
  2. ./appName.AppImage
  3. Now you can execute app.


You cannot really install an AppImage. It’s a file which can run directly after getting executable permission. To integrate it into desktop environment, you can either create desktop entry manually or use AppImageLauncher.

Desktop file creation

See [how to create desktop file in ubuntu ].https://www.maketecheasier.com/create-desktop-file-linux/

AppImageLauncher integration

You can integrate the AppImage into the system via AppImageLauncher. It will handle the desktop entry automatically.


  1. Delete AppImage file.
  2. Delete your desktop file if exists.
  3. Delete your user settings: ~/.config/appName

Custom launch script

  1. Save AppImage somewhere. Let’s say ~/bin/appname.AppImage

  2. chmod +x ~/bin/appname.AppImage

  3. Create a launch script:

    DESKTOPINTEGRATION=0 ~/bin/appname.AppImage
Tags: appImage
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